2020 Census Recap 

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The census opened on March 12, 2020 and for the first-time people were able to complete it online. After a number of twists and turns, the census concluded on October 15, 2020. The average census self-response rate for the nation is 67.0%. And Minnesota’s self-response rate of 75.1% is the highest in the nation.

Thanks to Hennepin’s commitment with regard to funding and staffing, our investment in the census paid off. We increased the self-response rate for Hennepin County by 3.2% -- from 76.2% in 2010 to 79.4% this year!

The success of the census campaign can be attributed to:

  • Hiring a census team who reflects our community and represents those who are historically undercounted.

  • An Internal Census Work Group of more than 40 staff members from across the county.

  • Hennepin County’s Complete Count Committee, which comprised of cities and school districts

  • Community partners

  • Government Partners including the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Ramsey County and the State of Minnesota. Our staff met weekly with folks from these agencies and shared information and resources.